Who can be a member of Re:faith?
You can. We hope you will! We welcome all who aspire to treat every person with dignity, treat them with respect in a way that makes them feel truly respected. Where we are different, we seek to celebrate and learn from the difference. This means radical inclusiveness, welcoming those who have been othered, sometimes their whole lives. Choosing to be part of Re:faith doesn’t mean giving up your other affiliations.
Use our contact page to get more info about becoming a member.
Is this a Christian church?
We’re not sure that churches can really be Christian. Only people can. So this is a church for Christians. And Muslims. Also Jews, Buddhists, agnostics, you name it. You can’t really convert from anything to Re:faith. You are the person you are, and your heritage is part of that person. So you bring that distinctiveness to this community, thereby enriching us all. That means you can be “dual citizens” in this and other communities of faith. Like many churches, what unites us is that which we share, that for which we have passion. Our faith drives that passion. And those values abound in many faith traditions.
To learn more about what we believe, check out our theology page.
Is there a membership roster?
Not presently. We respect members’ privacy. In the future, members could choose to be listed in a registry, but it would be strictly an opt-in listing.
Who can be a minister in this community?
Well, most anyone, if they choose. Ministers of other faith traditions may also serve as ministers in this community, simultaneously if they wish. Ministers of Re:faith choose servanthood, not eminence. In fact, they commit even more fully to our ideals and to spreading the mission. We don’t use honorifics such as “Reverend” or “Pastor.” We just call ministers, like anyone else, by name. However, where necessary for context in writing, “minister of Re:faith” may be appended to a minister’s name.
Ministers of Re:faith may mark their ordination by choosing a name to signify their servanthood. The founder of Re:faith goes by Silas.
Who leads Re:faith?
Silas, the founder of this faith community, and the first to be ordained into Re:faith, leads the church for now. But the church is young and developing structure organically. In truth, we are much less about station or status than we are about serving our communities.
Are there worship services?
Most worship is currently informal and among members who live near one another, following individual traditions of members. But Re:faith doesn’t exist to “do church” in the traditional sense. Re:faith continues to develop rituals and traditions, but it primarily exists for the purpose of effecting change in the world.
What’s the point?
Good question. You should read our About Us page, because we want you to become part of our mission. We need your ideas and passion to seize the world’s attention and drive change.